“Be prepared to kill people that take your liberty”

Do I have your attention now?
Put yourself in the place of the Framers (not Founding Fathers a manufactured name created out of a mistake by President Elect Harding). Imagine you have to make the decision to go against the King.
You are going to have to fight, you are going to have a war.

You left a place where you could not speak against the Monarchy, you were not allowed to have any weapons because the people were intentionally kept weak and submissive.

What do you need to ensure you never get to this point again? Put some rules in place. Permit people to meet in groups of any size and not be called traitors (their word for terrorists). Make it illegal for your government to take your home, illegal to forcefully house soldiers in your home. Make it legal to speak your mind and not be persecuted. But how can you keep all these things.

You make sure there is a Law above all Laws that includes all your recognized liberties and it includes the ability to fight for it. To ensure that the people will never be weak and vulnerable.

The Second Amendment was intended to place in the hands of the people the same weapons that the current military has.
For the sole purpose in defending the other remaining liberties from an oppressive and tyrannical government.
It is not about hunting or sport shooting.
It is about leveling the playing field between the military powers and the people.
It is about full auto weapons, it is about defending your homes, it is about shooting people.
It is about the ability to wage war on a government that has gone out of control.
It happens, read your history books.
Lets just hope that when it happens here we still have the means to protect ourselves.

The world is a frightening place today.
May we all have a peaceful and strong, well armed, 2013+.

Lets get something straight.. about assault rifles

Lets get something straight.. an AR-15 is not an assault rifle. It looks like a scary assault rifle (oooohhh) but it is not one.

The AR is not short for Assault Rifle. If you believe it is then please erase that though from your mind because it makes you look like an IDIOT to everyone that knows better.  “AR” stands for ArmaLite the number is the model of the gun ie AR-15, AR-10, etc.

The M-16 is the Military assault rifle that has seen extended use by the US military and the AR-15 was modeled after the M-16 but without the Full-auto capability.

Now as far as assault rifles being purchased at gun shows and walking out the door.. I must again ask you to stop thinking this and espousing it because you again look like an IDIOT. Yes you could buy a full auto weapon at a gun store but you will not be walking out with it. After your initial purchase you must register the weapon with the BATFE and pay a $200 tax, then after their background check and a 6-9 month wait you may be able to go get it after they send you your tax form with an actual ‘stamp’ on it.

As for kids being killed by these terrible assault rifles, very Few “Assault Rifles” kill kids, or anyone else for that matter in the US.  A scary looking rifle is NOT an assault rifle unless it can fire multiple rounds with a single trigger press. Please get the verbiage correct… here is some help:

An assault rifle is a selective fire (either fully automatic or burst-capable) rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine. It is not to be confused with assault weapons.  Assault rifles are the standard service rifles in most modern armies. Assault rifles are categorized in between light machine guns, which are intended more for sustained automatic fire in a light support role, and submachine guns, which fire a pistol cartridge rather than a rifle cartridge.
Examples of assault rifles include the StG 44, AK-47 (full auto version),M16 rifle (full auto and burst capable), QBZ-95, INSAS, Heckler & Koch G36, and Enfield SA80.  source: wikipedia, 12/2012

So for all the drum pounders trying to take away our Assault Rifles, for your information very few of us have them anyway. Please stop showing your ignorance in an argument you know too little about.


How to kill more kids?… Stop people from having guns

Sorry about the headline, but I got your attention. Are you appalled yet? You should be.. But direct your anger and frustration at the failed systems that permit our kids and our friends to get killed. One shot would have fixed this Newtown, CT shooting and the dirt ball would not have made it another step.

Firearms restrictions Don’t work and Wont make you safer.
A sick individual, a criminal, a dirt bag festering pustule on society will find a way to do the ill will they wish to perpetuate. The target is too often the least protected, the weakest of the herd, the defenseless individual or the unprepared masses.
The wolf does not hunt the strong, they know it is a losing battle. The wolf hunts the weak, the individual, the unprepared or the inexperienced.  These criminals, and sick individuals are the wolves. How to we combat them?
Be prepared, be armed, be ready to fight for your preservation, for your children.
We seem to want to live by the fallacy that removing a tool will make us safer. Knife control, gun control, short stick control (I know it sounds funny but look up your local regulations on carrying a stick of less than 30 inches you may be surprised). These rules are already in place, but they have to day not stopped one criminal for taking action on the unprepared, defenseless, individuals or masses.

Do not call for Regulation, Call for Education. Teach our people about how to be prepared for the wolf. When I am around my kids I am armed, I carry a knife, I carry a gun, and I will stop at nothing to protect my kids from the wolf. I appreciate the people that are trained and will accept the responsibility to protect my children in the same manner I protect them. We the adults have an unwritten pact to protect the children from the wolf. Many Law Enforcement have taken the pledge to protect the masses from the wolf (some prefer paperwork, some are the warriors).
I want the teachers in my children’s schools to be trained and armed and Prepared to protect all the children from the wolf.
This is not the Gun Control that is propagandized in the popular media. This is Education and Training. This is the world we live in with wolves around every corner. The wolf should be stopped at the beginning of their attack, and be put down immediately.

If you have a gun if you carry a gun You Must Get Trained in how to use it safely against the wolf. This is not a Law Enforcement job, it is our job the parents, the adults, the older youth, the Protectors. To be unarmed and unprepared is to be like the sheep.