How to kill more kids?… Stop people from having guns

Sorry about the headline, but I got your attention. Are you appalled yet? You should be.. But direct your anger and frustration at the failed systems that permit our kids and our friends to get killed. One shot would have fixed this Newtown, CT shooting and the dirt ball would not have made it another step.

Firearms restrictions Don’t work and Wont make you safer.
A sick individual, a criminal, a dirt bag festering pustule on society will find a way to do the ill will they wish to perpetuate. The target is too often the least protected, the weakest of the herd, the defenseless individual or the unprepared masses.
The wolf does not hunt the strong, they know it is a losing battle. The wolf hunts the weak, the individual, the unprepared or the inexperienced.  These criminals, and sick individuals are the wolves. How to we combat them?
Be prepared, be armed, be ready to fight for your preservation, for your children.
We seem to want to live by the fallacy that removing a tool will make us safer. Knife control, gun control, short stick control (I know it sounds funny but look up your local regulations on carrying a stick of less than 30 inches you may be surprised). These rules are already in place, but they have to day not stopped one criminal for taking action on the unprepared, defenseless, individuals or masses.

Do not call for Regulation, Call for Education. Teach our people about how to be prepared for the wolf. When I am around my kids I am armed, I carry a knife, I carry a gun, and I will stop at nothing to protect my kids from the wolf. I appreciate the people that are trained and will accept the responsibility to protect my children in the same manner I protect them. We the adults have an unwritten pact to protect the children from the wolf. Many Law Enforcement have taken the pledge to protect the masses from the wolf (some prefer paperwork, some are the warriors).
I want the teachers in my children’s schools to be trained and armed and Prepared to protect all the children from the wolf.
This is not the Gun Control that is propagandized in the popular media. This is Education and Training. This is the world we live in with wolves around every corner. The wolf should be stopped at the beginning of their attack, and be put down immediately.

If you have a gun if you carry a gun You Must Get Trained in how to use it safely against the wolf. This is not a Law Enforcement job, it is our job the parents, the adults, the older youth, the Protectors. To be unarmed and unprepared is to be like the sheep.



Live Video Conference, Business meeting, Family Meeting, more…

Great new tool.

Have group meetings, seminars, be a broadcaster on your facebook page.
Live streaming presentations, interviews with professional, musicians, movie stars. You just need this one little tool…

Check it out and let me know what you think. I use it for trainings, demonstrations and just to get a group o people together to chat. The big change in the new version is it will embed in your facebook account and joining is as easy as clicking on LIKE.


Chat at you later


-Should a Student Teach a Student

What is a teacher/instructor? Did your teachers in school have all the answers? They may have acted as if they did. I definitely remember the ones that had an agenda. I remember them like you remember breaking a leg or finger, the constant pain that encourages you to not Ever do that again. The instructors I respect were the ones that were great facilitators. I remember them in a different way; a memory that sets a goal to emulate them as best as I can. Usually falling very short, by my own expectations, but that is what drives me to continually improve.

How we learn is an interesting topic of study. I am not even going to scratch the surface of that here because there are volumes on learning (a lot of crap too) most of the academics regarding learning are simply guidelines. In the end no one can say it is best to teach this skill like “A” or like “B”. It all boils down to being “Learner Dependant”. The instructors role is to present the information in a fashion that the greatest number of students can receive , process, and then internalize the content. The skilled instructors are the ones that have some mastery of communication.


-Get ratings !Google Ratings!

I was looking around for some website builders and re-discovered the site builder on So here is your Freebie this week, . Here is my 20 minute creation
I like:

  • The Simplicity in creating the pages
  • The fact that copying text (including menus) from one page to another keeps the coding behind the text is Great! This makes creating a template and copying it to new pages is really easy.
  • The clean and balanced templates

Find your strongest skills by taking a simple 15 minute quiz. Special offer: Personal Profile Report $250, 2 hours consulting and report review $700, one additional ad-on profile screen of your choice. Order before October 15 and pay only $600 and receive a 20% discount on all future reports. (including annual reviews). See samples at


I Dont like:

  • The simplicity of the system. I want to add text fields and images that are not a part of a long text block
  • The fact that I can not get into the HTML. I have code I need inside the pages
  • The way the pages are managed in the interface.

Because I have been buildign sites for so long and using higher-end software to do it, I may not be the best in judging simple site designers. When I am evaluating an application I look for what it does quickly and easily (low learning curve) and what it has for future expansion of the users skills (advanced features). This is what I like about Dreamweaver, you can make simple sites with little effort but you can grow within the application. FrontPage is another application that is great fo beginners; however, there are more barriers to user growth.

There is a whole host of applications that I would suggest that you avoid. There is no way that I could even begin to list them here so I will identify a few features that I have found problematic.


  • Any application that turns your pages into .gif images on upload.
  • Any application that exclusively uses DIV tags that include specific locations for elements. (the problem is the code gets really cluttered and it is difficult to optomize the site.)
  • Most applications that you get for free or at a “great” discount. (unless you buy it from me) 🙂

So in closing, the googlepages tools are not great and really flashy, but they are clean and easy to get site content up quickly. Also the added bonus… Do you thing Google lists pages built on their system? Bet your bottom dollar they do!