
Why am I posting this blog… I really don’t know. I guess because after a couple years of writing for school I figure I may as well continue the routine. Of course I am planning on having some sort of valuable content to someone. It may not be of any value to you but it will be worth something to someone.  So here it goes… oh sorry that was a false start. Now I am rethinking what I am going to write. Also I need to get away from this basic template.. 🙁

Many peopl have said that my speeling is at rocious, but I really don’t care, so if it bothers you, sorry but I ain’t not gonna change. Don’t comment on the contracted double negative I know how to write. I just can’t type as fast as I think.

I have a few projects going on and some of them I need help with. *IF* you are a web designer, graphic artist, sales person, programmer in php, cgi, asp, C++ etc or if you are one of those IT geeks that helps other people with their machines I am interested in hearing from you.

Visit my other site at http://www.steppingstonemarketing.com

Oh, to answer the question posed at the beginning of this posting. Why? Because I can.