Good People like you need tools to make e-Marketing Easier

e-Marketing means Easier-Marketing!

Are you ready for a transformation in your business and life?
Ready for life changing income?
A solid, lucrative system for making money online?
Or an amazing tool suite for marketing your current business.


You are in the right place, which you’ll soon see as you read on…. Whether you are that person who is struggling to be successful in a home based business; or a seasoned, successful business builder looking for a way to take your business online; or someone looking to cut through the layers of hype, fluff and bogus information and “systems”, you will love what you find here.

See the e-Marketing system here

System Highlites:

  • Mass e-Mail system with Auto-responder
  • Lead Collection system to add leads to your Auto-responder
  • Video e-Mail to connect with your prospects and sales teams
  • Web Conferencing system that permits you to have live meetings, screen sharing, and video presentations
  • Integrated Blog Like you will see at the link below
  • Additional resources like the Elite Coaching Program, Home Study Course for you if you are new, and Lead Generators.

This package would cost several hundreds per month but if you follow this link  e-Marketing system you will be totally amazed at the low low monthly price this package is offered at.

If you have read this far you are probably thinking… yea right, its a rip off.. Well sorry .. It not a rip off. In fact they are the same tools that I have used and sold individually for the past 9 years.

The creators finally got their act together and Packaged the tools into one easy to use application. Even if you dont have a business you can make a business out of selling the tools. See, the tools are a product too.

So if you are looking for a online opportunity, or you have a business and you need e-marketing tools, this is the link you need to go to now. See the e-Marketing system here

See you on the inside,


“Be prepared to kill people that take your liberty”

Do I have your attention now?
Put yourself in the place of the Framers (not Founding Fathers a manufactured name created out of a mistake by President Elect Harding). Imagine you have to make the decision to go against the King.
You are going to have to fight, you are going to have a war.

You left a place where you could not speak against the Monarchy, you were not allowed to have any weapons because the people were intentionally kept weak and submissive.

What do you need to ensure you never get to this point again? Put some rules in place. Permit people to meet in groups of any size and not be called traitors (their word for terrorists). Make it illegal for your government to take your home, illegal to forcefully house soldiers in your home. Make it legal to speak your mind and not be persecuted. But how can you keep all these things.

You make sure there is a Law above all Laws that includes all your recognized liberties and it includes the ability to fight for it. To ensure that the people will never be weak and vulnerable.

The Second Amendment was intended to place in the hands of the people the same weapons that the current military has.
For the sole purpose in defending the other remaining liberties from an oppressive and tyrannical government.
It is not about hunting or sport shooting.
It is about leveling the playing field between the military powers and the people.
It is about full auto weapons, it is about defending your homes, it is about shooting people.
It is about the ability to wage war on a government that has gone out of control.
It happens, read your history books.
Lets just hope that when it happens here we still have the means to protect ourselves.

The world is a frightening place today.
May we all have a peaceful and strong, well armed, 2013+.

Lets get something straight.. about assault rifles

Lets get something straight.. an AR-15 is not an assault rifle. It looks like a scary assault rifle (oooohhh) but it is not one.

The AR is not short for Assault Rifle. If you believe it is then please erase that though from your mind because it makes you look like an IDIOT to everyone that knows better.  “AR” stands for ArmaLite the number is the model of the gun ie AR-15, AR-10, etc.

The M-16 is the Military assault rifle that has seen extended use by the US military and the AR-15 was modeled after the M-16 but without the Full-auto capability.

Now as far as assault rifles being purchased at gun shows and walking out the door.. I must again ask you to stop thinking this and espousing it because you again look like an IDIOT. Yes you could buy a full auto weapon at a gun store but you will not be walking out with it. After your initial purchase you must register the weapon with the BATFE and pay a $200 tax, then after their background check and a 6-9 month wait you may be able to go get it after they send you your tax form with an actual ‘stamp’ on it.

As for kids being killed by these terrible assault rifles, very Few “Assault Rifles” kill kids, or anyone else for that matter in the US.  A scary looking rifle is NOT an assault rifle unless it can fire multiple rounds with a single trigger press. Please get the verbiage correct… here is some help:

An assault rifle is a selective fire (either fully automatic or burst-capable) rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine. It is not to be confused with assault weapons.  Assault rifles are the standard service rifles in most modern armies. Assault rifles are categorized in between light machine guns, which are intended more for sustained automatic fire in a light support role, and submachine guns, which fire a pistol cartridge rather than a rifle cartridge.
Examples of assault rifles include the StG 44, AK-47 (full auto version),M16 rifle (full auto and burst capable), QBZ-95, INSAS, Heckler & Koch G36, and Enfield SA80.  source: wikipedia, 12/2012

So for all the drum pounders trying to take away our Assault Rifles, for your information very few of us have them anyway. Please stop showing your ignorance in an argument you know too little about.


Video of soldiers peeing on bodies?

The headline is the same in many forums “The US military is investigating a video showing what appears to be troops urinating on the dead bodies of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.” (euronews,.net)

From YouTube and TMZ to the daily Network- news. The videos and story floods the news-wires. Yet again the Terrible Marine Soldiers do something despicable to the dead body of a combatant.

Before you get all riled up let’s look at this objectively.

There is the Good, Bad, and the Ugly. Note that the Bad and Ugly generally describe the same entity.  So who plays what role?

The Good are supposed to play by a set of fair rules. No  cheating, no duplicity, no prevarications. It is a really difficult thing to be “Good”


The Soldiers are bad people and they should be punished for being so disrespectful.

Of course there are thousands of people that dress just like these combatants do that are trying to kill you at almost every turn.  They will approach you peacefully and friendly, engage in conversation about where you are from and if you have any kids, then the next day they plant an IED just for you.  I you get killed and your body gets captured they publish all sort of horrific images and videos on their terrorist promoting websites.  If you happened to not get killed but captured instead. They can, will, and often do perform all kinds of nasty little acts to make your time with them a living hell.  And if you are valuable enough they will videotape your beheading and ensure it is published on the internet.

The video and pictures will hurt the peace process and will fuel the fire that promotes the extremist groups.

The extremists need more motivation to hate non-Muslims. They need more propaganda to feed to the poor distraught people under their thumb. Simply preaching that non-Muslims should be killed is apparently not enough. Promising to help the poor mans family if he kills the ‘invaders’ is not enough?

Some people don’t get it. Many people do.

The whole point is the US Military, and the UN ‘peace keepers’ are supposed to be the good guys. Good guys play by rules that don’t apply to the bad guys. Why, because they are Bad-guys. Although it may feel good to perform a little coup de gras, release that last little bit of anxiety and frustration, to tell the world “I got you this time”.  As Good-guys we can’t, and that sucks . . . a lot.

Punishment, court marshal, public flogging…. no.  Reprimand yes.

My Printer has a problem, so I called India…why not

I went out and bought an all-in-one printer to fill the gap left by my high end, high volume printer as I wait for it to get fixed. I got the All-in-one because i wanted to replace my offic fax also and adding a compact scanner was a nice bonus (saves the space of getting out my  portable scanner), I still have the flat bed scanner but that is another story.

This story is unfolding as I sit listening to all the advertising/entertainment/subliminal ‘be happy’ comments on the HP support line. Background: So there I was printing happily and helping a client when BAM le-error. NOOooooo, I can’t be out of ink really this soon, @$#@$. Checking and testing results in a “cartridge error” ahh a bad print cartridge head. 

SIDE NOTE: The recording just said,” to get more informaiton contact HP.COM slash AHEMM (a cough) ” I like that URL but I think it may be a litle difficult to ensure proper spelling.

Back to the story: I tried the URL in the new cartridge box but that page does not exist anylonger, humm. So I try searching for the part number on their support site and searchign or “C9351A” I get a part not found error that says I should try searching on a part number… ? whats that about?

more to come later… got other things to do now. 🙂

So what now – After Nov. 4

So what are we doing now? I had first considered a title “How to ease a country into Socalisim” but I guess that lesson may be learned experiencially. The next lesson will be how to have a Democratic Revolution and move away from Socialism.

If anything else the Nov 4 elections provedthat you can motivate the uneducated, lower class, and the youth to vote if you tell them that they will get a share of the wealth. The whole “redistribute the wealth” campaign backed by the mantra of “change”. Many of us are still sitting wondering what exactly is goign to change?

I take solace in the knowledge that Mr. Obama is now learning the reasons we can not cut-n-run out of the various war zones we have gotten stuck in and why we must continue to support Isreal and why Iran is filled with “bad guys”. I can picture him sitting at a big table saying, “we are doing WHAT!?” and “Did they REALLY do THAT!?” and then trying to figure out how to do a spin on all the empty promises he made so the masses don’t turn on him.

Ladies and Gentlemen, stand by, because this ride is just starting.


I have never been one to openly support a political party or support one or another canidate. However, there are some issues in this election that are too Anti-Constitution for me to just sit.

Although I am not a big supporter of either party and typically not much or a supporter of any canidate I have to voice my opinion in opposition to Barak Obama and his record on some Constitutional issues.

I have spoken to several of his supporters; they keep calling my house, and apparently they have, like many other, fallen prey to the hype and flash of his campaign and not looked at his voting record. He is not been doing what he says he will do.

Now just what does that really mean the he “has not been doing what he says he will do”? Well lets look at it this way, an abusive husband/boyfriend says, “Baby I love you I will never do that again” and next week or next month she is battered and beaten again.  Do we really, honestly, expect him to change. He is not demonstrating what he says he will do.

If Barack Obama says that he supports hunters but includes their ammunition in an ammunition ban is he supporting or not. I say not; Such as I support your right to have a gun, but you are not allowed to use it. I support your right to defend yourself as long as you dont hurt the other person.

Obama openly states that he wants to get the illegal guns out of the inner-city areas. GREAT, ME TOO! Let’s collect the little criminals and lock their butts away, let’s track down the illegal gun dealers and put the hammer down on using guns to commit crimes. BUT Obama thinks that to remove the guns you need to make a law that states you can not have a gun in the city limits. Now just who is going to abide by that law?

The honest citizen that follows the rules will always follow the rules because that is who they are. A Criminal will consistently not follow the rules (that is what makes them a criminal). Correct me if I am wrong but it is already illegal rob a store, mug a person, invade another persons house to steal, and rape is illegal too. The law allows for a higher penalty if a gun is used in the commission of that crime. Has that law stopped any criminal from using a gun to commit that crime? NO! Because they don’t follow the rules anyway.

So if it is illegal to possess a gun in the inner-city, just who is going to follow that law? The law abiding citizen will. And who will be left with the guns? That’s right, the criminal. Because that is what they are.

So a person that votes against your right to have a firearm, votes to put you in prison if you use a gun to protect yourself, votes against your right to have a gun in your home, but says “I’m not going to take your guns” can not be trusted to do as they say.

Your being abused, and you will continue to be abused because that is the history of their action, irrelevant of their words. Obama is on record saying ,  “Even if I want to take them [guns] away, I don’t have the votes in Congress,’’ ( does this mean that if he could muster the votes he would?

Here’s a few links for you to take a look at:
Obama and the Second Amendment (the first ten are supposed to be sacred, remember?) Obama’s Second Amendment Stance

The Obama campaign doesn’t like the First Amendment when it is used to expose skeletons.
Obama Campaign issues a Cease and Desist Letter to stop the truth of his words from being revealed

Crime is rampant in England because of their inability to control criminal behavior and the violent attacks with knives and clubs increased when they took away the citizens guns. Criminals use guns as a tool of intimidation. If the victim is intimidated then they comply, people think they can not fight against a gun so they give up. They do think they can fight against a knife and very often they become mortally wounded for thinking that way. If the victim is not intimidated then the criminal attacks with a high level of violence but that is for another posting.

Right now you need to click this link for more information. Get the Scoop

Pray for our Constitution, it is the only one like it in the world.

-Free CCW class for Women

I am compelled to pass this on. Here is the original release from the NRA news letter.

NEVADA:  As a result of the murder of college student Brianna Denison, Armed and Safe Nevada is temporarily offering FREE Concealed Carry courses for women. The comprehensive eight-hour training program will include instruction on:  basic pistol safety and handling; live-fire shooting; holster choice; retention techniques; alternatives when you cannot carry a firearm; legal use of deadly force; laws and ordinances; civil liability; transportation of firearms; and more. This course will qualify participants for their CCW permit.  Classes will remain FREE for women and discounted for men until the killer is apprehended.  For more information and to register, please contact Kelly Ann Main, Armed & Safe, in Reno at (775) 560-2741.

If you are close by call them, get information about taking the class. Even if you don’t want the CCW consider taking the class and receiving the training in safety and weapons handling. Who knows you may be lucky enough to disarm the assailant, wouldn’t it be a good thing to know how to use HIS gun against him?

The NV CCW can be issued to residents and non-residents, many states are now accepting the NV CCW as a valid license to carry concealed in their state.

Learn how to Not be a Victim.


Congressman from California is amazed that he needs to learn Spanish.

Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California, “So, I went out to the big display they had where they had roped off a part of the parking lot to see what they had, to see what I might want to purchase. I was given a flier. I have a blowup of that flier here. When I was handed the flier, I noticed that it was in Spanish.” You’re in California man, who do you think is going to be buying the $200.00 drill motor?
For the full story see my pages section to the right of this post entitled “ENGLISH IS THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF THE UNITED STATES “