Live Video Conference, Business meeting, Family Meeting, more…

Great new tool.

Have group meetings, seminars, be a broadcaster on your facebook page.
Live streaming presentations, interviews with professional, musicians, movie stars. You just need this one little tool…

Check it out and let me know what you think. I use it for trainings, demonstrations and just to get a group o people together to chat. The big change in the new version is it will embed in your facebook account and joining is as easy as clicking on LIKE.


Chat at you later


Shot Show 2012

Monday starts my week of Shot Show. I am going to be at Media Day with throngs of other people out at the Boulder Rifle Pistol club in Boulder City, NV.

Getting things together now for standing on the range all day and I hope it turns out to be a really great event.

I will try to add a few updates and posting here as the week goes on.  So check back a little later and see whats happening.

can follow at!/VentureCrew45

can follow ArmOutdoors at!/armoutdoors


Video of soldiers peeing on bodies?

The headline is the same in many forums “The US military is investigating a video showing what appears to be troops urinating on the dead bodies of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.” (euronews,.net)

From YouTube and TMZ to the daily Network- news. The videos and story floods the news-wires. Yet again the Terrible Marine Soldiers do something despicable to the dead body of a combatant.

Before you get all riled up let’s look at this objectively.

There is the Good, Bad, and the Ugly. Note that the Bad and Ugly generally describe the same entity.  So who plays what role?

The Good are supposed to play by a set of fair rules. No  cheating, no duplicity, no prevarications. It is a really difficult thing to be “Good”


The Soldiers are bad people and they should be punished for being so disrespectful.

Of course there are thousands of people that dress just like these combatants do that are trying to kill you at almost every turn.  They will approach you peacefully and friendly, engage in conversation about where you are from and if you have any kids, then the next day they plant an IED just for you.  I you get killed and your body gets captured they publish all sort of horrific images and videos on their terrorist promoting websites.  If you happened to not get killed but captured instead. They can, will, and often do perform all kinds of nasty little acts to make your time with them a living hell.  And if you are valuable enough they will videotape your beheading and ensure it is published on the internet.

The video and pictures will hurt the peace process and will fuel the fire that promotes the extremist groups.

The extremists need more motivation to hate non-Muslims. They need more propaganda to feed to the poor distraught people under their thumb. Simply preaching that non-Muslims should be killed is apparently not enough. Promising to help the poor mans family if he kills the ‘invaders’ is not enough?

Some people don’t get it. Many people do.

The whole point is the US Military, and the UN ‘peace keepers’ are supposed to be the good guys. Good guys play by rules that don’t apply to the bad guys. Why, because they are Bad-guys. Although it may feel good to perform a little coup de gras, release that last little bit of anxiety and frustration, to tell the world “I got you this time”.  As Good-guys we can’t, and that sucks . . . a lot.

Punishment, court marshal, public flogging…. no.  Reprimand yes.