Punk Kills Cop,Cop Kills Kid, Girl Kills Intruder

In this article:

What the Hell?
Why The Hell?
and Hell Yeah!



Some poor officer is working nights as an armed security guard at the local Stop and Rob (convenience store if you did not understand the reference) and an armed man enters the store, shoots the place up and kills the Security Guard (officer).  It is sad that some ‘ass’ (not to offend Mules, Donkeys and Wild Asses) entered the building and shot someone then stole their gun and a badge. But why the heck is a police officer working nights as a Security Guard? Have I missed something here? The officers then, according to the story on MSNBC, go door to door canvasing the neighborhood searching for witnesses and handing out fliers with a $10,000 reward.

I would suspect that the suspects knew he was a cop and intended to kill and rob him as there was no mention of them robbing the store. So I now ask Why was it necessary and permissible for the officer to take a second job as a rent-a-cop (literally)? Maybe I answered the question already in the first word of this article…



Cop Kills an Eighth Grader, at the middle school.

Ok, it has crossed my mind a few times that some kid needs to be put down but those thoughts were generally present as I was having my butt handed to me by some group of punks on my way home from school.  But this was Texas, and the kid went to school and punched some other kid in the face then pulled out a gun. (I wonder how difficult his commute home had been?)

Officers arrive and meet the kid with his gun in hand…OMG are there questions now! How many officers?, Were the commands he (the kid) was given clear and distinct (YES),  given by only one person (NO, three voices all saying the same thing)? Was there a lot of shouting and chaos?  (mostly from the school administrator) Did the kid point the gun at an officer or was he waving it around, or just holding it to his side? What was the emotional state of the kid? was he red-faced yelling (I did not hear him yelling), or lip-sucking crying or where in the middle?

The officer felt threatened and shot the kid. The gun was retrieved. It was a CO2 BB-gun .177 cal (the standard pellet/BB gun, think the Red Ryder Lever Action BB Gun “you’ll shoot your eye out” caliber) Does it change the perception of the officer? It looked like a real gun.

I don’t have all the answers so I can’t tell you right now if I would have shot the kid or not, but given the right circumstances I would not gamble my life on the possibility it is a toy gun.

The best report I have found is at the brownsvilleherald.com. The call to the 911 dispatcher is pretty scattered and the administrator is handling several calls at the same time as if calling 911 and then directly to the PD. What a stinking mess… of a message. In fact you should listen to it yourself and let me know what you think.



An 18 year old mother with infant, her husband died from cancer on Christmas was defending herself and child from an armed man trying to gain entry into her home. She said, “He was going from door to door trying to get in”, “when he came in I shot him”   Yea! Good going girl!

The intruder was a 24 year old male armed with a knife and had a male accomplice. He likely knew her husband was recently past and it made her easy pickings. Well I guess not that easy. The interesting part of the story is in OK if the person doing the killing is in the right then the accomplice involved in the illegal act is actually charged with causing the death, in this case First Degree Murder, now that is an odd turn of events.  So if you are in OK and decide to take your buddies to do some nasty deed, make sure they stay alive, otherwise you will get stuck with the murder rap.. lol

What have we learned here today… in summary Guns save Lives!  But they have to be in your hand and you have to be prepared, they have to be real and don’t point them at the cops (or me), and Don’t ever take a knife to a gun fight as that is just plain stupid.


Have a great Month.. Wow isn’t this year starting out on a high note..?


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