So what now – After Nov. 4

So what are we doing now? I had first considered a title “How to ease a country into Socalisim” but I guess that lesson may be learned experiencially. The next lesson will be how to have a Democratic Revolution and move away from Socialism.

If anything else the Nov 4 elections provedthat you can motivate the uneducated, lower class, and the youth to vote if you tell them that they will get a share of the wealth. The whole “redistribute the wealth” campaign backed by the mantra of “change”. Many of us are still sitting wondering what exactly is goign to change?

I take solace in the knowledge that Mr. Obama is now learning the reasons we can not cut-n-run out of the various war zones we have gotten stuck in and why we must continue to support Isreal and why Iran is filled with “bad guys”. I can picture him sitting at a big table saying, “we are doing WHAT!?” and “Did they REALLY do THAT!?” and then trying to figure out how to do a spin on all the empty promises he made so the masses don’t turn on him.

Ladies and Gentlemen, stand by, because this ride is just starting.