-Should a Student Teach a Student

What is a teacher/instructor? Did your teachers in school have all the answers? They may have acted as if they did. I definitely remember the ones that had an agenda. I remember them like you remember breaking a leg or finger, the constant pain that encourages you to not Ever do that again. The instructors I respect were the ones that were great facilitators. I remember them in a different way; a memory that sets a goal to emulate them as best as I can. Usually falling very short, by my own expectations, but that is what drives me to continually improve.

How we learn is an interesting topic of study. I am not even going to scratch the surface of that here because there are volumes on learning (a lot of crap too) most of the academics regarding learning are simply guidelines. In the end no one can say it is best to teach this skill like “A” or like “B”. It all boils down to being “Learner Dependant”. The instructors role is to present the information in a fashion that the greatest number of students can receive , process, and then internalize the content. The skilled instructors are the ones that have some mastery of communication.
