University of Phoenix Students

Miss that old college attitude now that you are grown up and have a real life. Found a new group that just announced what they have been doing for the past year…. going to school and drinking Beer.. lol go figure. They meet at the end of each of their 5 week classes as they continue their education as adults. It is at the least an attempt to hang out after finals. Remember the party after finals, well at the UOP you have a final every five weeks so why not use it as a reasonable excuse fo a little play time. Check it out at Their site is not totally complete yet but I think it will be pretty cool when finished.

Congressman from California is amazed that he needs to learn Spanish.

Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California, “So, I went out to the big display they had where they had roped off a part of the parking lot to see what they had, to see what I might want to purchase. I was given a flier. I have a blowup of that flier here. When I was handed the flier, I noticed that it was in Spanish.” You’re in California man, who do you think is going to be buying the $200.00 drill motor?
For the full story see my pages section to the right of this post entitled “ENGLISH IS THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF THE UNITED STATES “

*It’s all about O.J.

The news bores me, frustrates me, and irritates me. OJ in the news again you would think that we would be done and over with this once and for all.

OJ is suffering this year and this fall is going to be a big one. Florida has planned to spend nearly $4 million dollars this year alone on the issue; however, Crist is considering taking back $2 million. This is a significant blow to the state and it’s potential revenue. “The state is attempting to balance the general revenue budget [on our backs]” said Ken Keck, the department’s executive director. “The concept that we have money lying around is not true,” said Ben Albritton, the commission chairman.

But where is all this OJ money coming from? It appears to be coming from taxes. Every case that gets put out is generating tax revenue. Bolstering a $60.3 million dollar budget according to the 2007-2008 projections. To  generate funds Crist has proposed raising the annual “service charge”.  The proposed increase from 3.3 percent to 8 percent would take $1.98 million out of the department’s current budget, according to the governor’s proposal. Crist’s Sept. 6 proposal totals $983.2 million toward closing the budget gap, estimated at more than $1 billion. (
Cited in the article, “If the Legislature approves the governor’s proposal, most of the money would come off the department’s largest program, television and online advertising for oj, the state’s largest citrus commodity. The current budget calls for spending $15.4 million to purchase TV time and online OJ ads.” If this is what it takes to get OJ out of the media, I am all for it.

Lets just hope that the storms coming in to the East Coast are not going to affect the harvests too much. OJ is already over priced.

Article sniped from